Trading in Mind ™ ($37)

1. Understand The Truth
2. Plan Your Trades, Then Trade Your Plan
3. If You Don't Spend Much, You Can't Lose Much
4. Don't Think Money, Think Points
5. What The Mind Can Conceive...
6. Be Your Own Boss
7. Mind Your Language
8. Less Is Definitely More
9. GetALife
10. The Essential Real-Time Trading Tool
What's Next?

Take two traders. Give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market, and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit. Come back a month later and what will you find? One trader will be up 20. The other will be down 40. It's fascinating, isn't it, how two people can have the same opportunities in life, and yet get very different results.

The following top 10 list was compiled from the many discussions that take place at regular monthly trader's conferences. Some of it you'll already know... some of it will be new. Hopefully you'll find it useful.

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